Police Officer Removes Me By Force

In this video, a man who identifies himself as a member of the “News Now Yorkshire” channel visits a police station in Nottinghamshire, England. He walks around the building, filming the premises, and enters the police reception to ask what they do in the building since the setup of the building is confusing. A police officer approaches the man and asks him to leave the building because filming is not allowed. The man refuses to leave, and the police officer grabs his arms and forces him to leave the building.

The man complains that the police officer had no right to eject him since he was in a public building. The police officer argues that he is acting on behalf of security, and if there is an issue, he can ask someone to leave. The man claims that the police officer used excessive force to eject him from the building. He then demands that the police officer provides his details, but the officer refuses, and the man threatens to make a complaint against him.

The police officer warns the man that his actions could be a potential breach of the peace, and he might have to take him into custody. The man continues to demand the police officer’s details, and the officer promises to provide them as a courtesy. The man waits outside the building while the officer goes inside to get his details. The officer returns and gives the man the details of the security company he works for and his name.

In conclusion, the video shows a confrontation between a man filming a police station and a police officer who forcibly ejects him from the building. The man argues that he has the right to be there, while the police officer claims that he is acting on behalf of security. The video raises questions about the right to film in public buildings, the role of security officers, and the use of force by law enforcement officers.

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