Insta360 ONE RS 1-Inch Leica 360 Degree Action Camera with 64GB Card


(11 customer reviews)
Buy On Amazon Category: SKU: B0BBMN6PB3


  • Featuring two 1-inch CMOS sensors, co-engineered with Leica, to capture unbeatable 6K 360 degree videos and 21MP 360 photos with minimal noise and maximum clarity to provide an ultimate experience
  • For people looking to take their videos and photos to the next level. The Insta360 ONE RS 1 Inch 360 Edition is a consumer 360 camera that offers unparalleled image quality and creativity in a portable form factor without sacrificing image quality.
  • Co-Engineered with Leica to bring its legendary expertise in optical design and state-of-the-art imaging to 360 Cameras
  • FlowState 6-Axis stabilisation and a proprietary image stabilisation algorithm come together with the IPX3 Water resistant body to deliver incredibly smooth videos whatever your activity
  • Kit includes: Insta360 ONE RS 1″ Camera Edition (360 Leica Camera, ONE RS Core & Vertical 1350mAh Battery Base) & 64GB Memory Card

Additional information

Style Name

One RS 1-Inch 360 Edition, One RS 1-Inch 360 Edition Premium Kit, One RS 1-Inch 360 Edition Pro Kit, One RS 1-Inch 360 Edition Upgrade Bundle

Pattern Name

Single, + Selfie Stick

11 reviews for Insta360 ONE RS 1-Inch Leica 360 Degree Action Camera with 64GB Card

  1. Stephen Y. (verified owner)

    If image quality is your priority, look no further
    I got my first 360 camera 5 years ago. The still photos were OK, but the video quality was so horrible that it made the camera just a bit of a super low res gimmick, that I rarely bothered to take with me on holidays etc.

    Finally in 2022, we have a 360 camera that can take nice quality stills and video that actually look properly HD.

    Of course the video looks HD, it’s 6k, I hear you say, but that 6k is shared across all 360 degrees, so you really do need a lot of resolution to make videos nice and clear.

    I’m a photographer/occasional videographer, I’m not a scuba diver/parachuter etc, so quality results are more important to me than compact size/weight and waterproofing.

    If you’re in the same category, then this is the 360 degree camera for you. If you’re an outdoors action type of person, get the X3, it’ll work better for you. Both are great.

    I’ve heard reports of overheating, but this is a small 6k shooter. Overheating is inevitable for lengthy videos. Often the problem is slow SD cards. Most people don’t shoot more than 5 mins of 360 footage in one shot though, so don’t worry about that. The file size will be massive if you want to shoot 30 min videos, say.

    I had no issues with set up, shooting or editing with this camera, and better still, I can have my end results uploaded to Google for backup/viewing with minimal input from me. They can be viewed online from there as 360 degree photos/videos with ease.

    You can also share to Facebook, WhatsApp etc directly from the app.

    If you want the best image quality from a consumer level 360 camera, albeit a pricey one, this is the camera for you. The image sensors are about 4 times the size of the X3’s and as a photographer, I know what a huge deal that is, especially for low light shooting.

    I hope this was helpful!

  2. MR CALLUM (verified owner)

    This camera has a lot of promise on paper however in practice it runs incredibly hot. It shut down very quickly and was almost too hot to hold. I thought I may have had a faulty one and was going to go for an exchange but on reviewing groups online I found others suffering the same problem. Maybe this can be fixed in a software upgrade or not I don’t know. For now though it is not a viable product when filming time is so short before it turns off.

  3. Lonewolf (verified owner)

    Started overheating within 10 minutes of unpacking the box. In addition the photo quality is inferior than my galaxy S10

  4. Alison Druce (verified owner)

    This is the business!!
    I have had GoPros since version 4 and I thought they’ve were good. However, this with the two 1inch sensors and the Leica lens really does knock my GoPro out of the water.

    Clear images, 21mg snaps, stabilisation, sharp images, even in low light and its very durable.

    Its not waterproof but water resistant.

  5. Xraydre (verified owner)

    Waste of money
    Waste of money

  6. PB (verified owner)

    Great upgrade
    Works great, much improved image quality over x2, no overheating issues, but then I don’t run it constantly for move than 3-5 mins at any one time. I would like some lens covers and a carry case but not much about right now as it’s only just dropped.

  7. Dan (verified owner)

    over heats very easily. After 20mins camera switched off
    over heats very easily. After 20mins camera switched off

  8. Will (verified owner)

    The best 360 action camera for this price
    Both image and video quality are great. The 6K video shooting is amazing. I can easily cut and edit the videos without losing much resolution. This camera is not designed for constantly long shooting. The maximum shooting time I used was 10 mins and I don’t find any overheating issues. I really like the features which can hide the stick and edit with lots of unbelivable effects.

    I also bought a quick reader and lense covers. I can save on the quick reader directly while shooting or transfer the data to the reader. It has USB Type-C and Lightning connector which can be pluged into iPhone or any Type-C devices. Data transmission speed is very fast.

  9. NXCAM (verified owner)

    Die Aufnahmen haben meine Erwartungen übertroffen

  10. BeeDee (verified owner)

    Eine super Kamera, welche den Namenszusatz “Action” jedoch nicht tragen sollte
    Ich habe die Insta360 ONE RS 360 1 Zoll direkt bei ihrem Erscheinen geordert, da ich nach einigen Jahren nach einem Upgrade für meine Insta360 One X, also das Produkt der ersten Stunde gesucht habe.
    Weswegen habe ich nach einem Upgrade gesucht? Es ist mein Hobby Videos meiner Reisen zu erstellen und ich lasse diese gern so Professionell (wie ein Hobby eben zulässt) wie möglich aussehen. Das bedeutet, ich bin mit einer Sony Systemkamera, einer DJI Drohne mit 1 Zoll Sensor, einem Samsung S21 Ultra und einer GoPro 10 unterwegs. All diese Kameras lassen sich mit etwas Aufwand im Videoschnitt vom Material so angleichen, dass nicht direkt ersichtlich ist aus welcher Kamera das Material stammt.
    Nur die One X fällt hier drastisch zurück.

    Daher habe ich mir von der One RS 360 1 Zoll erhofft, dass sie diese Verbesserung bringt. Sie ist durchaus besser als die One x (was man denke ich erwarten darf), aber keineswegs ist die Videoqualität ein Quantensprung. Ich habe lange mit beiden Kameras Schulter an Schulter herumprobiert und musste auf einem 13″ Display sehr genau hinschauen um bei guten Lichtverhältnissen Vorteile zu finden.
    Bei schwachem Licht wird es bereits etwas deutlicher, allerdings ist das Ergebnis in beiden Fällen nicht Überragend.
    Die erste Ernüchterung wurde somit verstärkt durch den Schock über die Größe als auch das Gewicht der Kamera. Nicht falsch verstehen, die Kamera ist durchaus noch in einer Jackentasche unterzubringen, aber gerade am Ende eines 3M Selfiesticks sind einige Aufnahmen durch das Zusatzgewicht einfach nicht mehr möglich, da sich der Stick einfach zu sehr biegt unter dem Gewicht (und wir reden hier vom 100+€ Originalstick von Insta360).
    Dazu kommt die schiere Größe der Linsenelemente, welche natürlich dem großen Sensor geschuldet sind. Ein Kratzer und die Kamera ist beinahe unbrauchbar. Dies haben die Insta360 Kameras natürlich alle gemein, aber für meine OneX gab es Schutzelemente, für die 1Zoll 360 habe ich diese nicht finden können.
    Dieser Aspekt, gepaart mit dem Gewicht (ich habe mich nicht getraut die Kamera per Selfiestick und 3-fach Saugnapf auf mein Auto zu schnallen) und gekrönt von der fehlenden Wassersdichtigkeit (welche Insta360 in anderen Modularen Kameras ja auch bewältigt hat) haben mir ein unwohles Gefühl gegeben.
    Als dann auch noch kurz darauf die Insta360 X3 für nur 60% des Preises, einem Sensor der noch immer ein Upgrade zur OneX ist als auch den ganzen QuickShot Möglichkeiten von Insta360, war es für mich besiegelt.
    Ich habe die 1Zoll Version zurückgeschickt und die X3 mit “großem” Touchscreen behalten.
    Die Unterschiede der beiden Kameras habe ich mir im eigenen Test wieder Ausgiebig angeschaut, aber für mich war für meine Anwendungsbereiche beinahe kein Unterschied mehr festzustellen.

    Ich würde daher nicht die Leistung der Insta360 One RS 1 Zoll (was für ein Name…) schmälern wollen, sondern damit nur hervorheben, dass diese Kamera für die allermeisten Nutzer die falsche Wahl sein wird.

    Wenn ich:
    – nach der bestmöglichen Videoqualität einer 360 Grad Kamera im Consumer-Bereich suche,
    – der Preis mich nicht schmerzt,
    – ich die Kamera ohnehin nicht in der Nähe von Wasser und Staub einzusetzen plane,
    – Action nicht mein Einsatzgebiet ist,
    – und ich eher mit dem 1m Selfiestick unterwegs bin,

    Ist dies DIE Kamera von insta360 welche ich kaufen würde.

    Da allerdings die insta360 X3 existiert, welche 95% der Punkte abdeckt welche die One RS 360 1 Zoll bietet, darüber hinaus aber auch noch einfacher zu Handhaben ist und nur 60% davon kostet, musste ich nicht 2 mal darüber nachdenken.

  11. brendan mitchell (verified owner)

    Wow, what a great system
    £660 at time of review Insta360 ONE RS 1-Inch Leica 360 Lens UPGRADE

    I was going to purchase the complete “Insta360 ONE RS 1-Inch Leica 360” for £812, but instead went for the upgrade at £660 then purchased the “Insta360 ONE RS 4K Edition Get-Set Kit” for £271, which cost £119 more than the stand alone kit, but this meant I got the 4K lens, mounting case, battery pack, selfie stick plus 64G SD card. Of course if you already have the insta 360 the upgrade is the way to go, but if not then I recommend doing what I did as you get an action camera for £119, that takes 48MB stills!

    Insta360 ONE RS 4K Edition Get-Set Kit

    anyway back to this lens, this thing is amazing. I needed it for a site survey, so used it in conjunction with the matterport software, it worked flawlessly, amazing results. I also used it for taking some stills whilst walking around Mexico City (yes I was lucky enough to be doing the site survey over there), and the results are great. This is my first 360 camera, although I am also a professional videographer and photographer, so I know my stuff. I found the insta 360 software a bit fiddly, and the results from taking a 360 video and adjusting the angle in the shot and exporting as I described the site survey whilst adequate for what I needed, I was a little disappointed with the final result, it was a bit mushy in places (I’m wondering if you get better results outputting it via premiere or FCPX, I shall experiment, find’t have time while on location).

    I recorded 10 mins of 360 video and whilst the unit got warm it certainly didn’t over heat. At the weekend I recorded 4 x 30 min clips whilst on a bike ride using the 4K camera with the landscape battery pack and I didn’t have any issues, so whether this is down to the fast micro SD card I’m using, or the latest firmware update I don’t know, but I have had NO OVER HEATING ISSUES (unlike some other users). Also worth noting whilst filming I was using the camera standalone, it was not connected to my mobile phone.

    It’s not perfect though, the SD card & USB-C cover is a piece of rubber that will undoubtedly get lost at some point (plus is needs to be removed anyway if you use this with the vertical 1 inch 360 module, so that’s not a great bit of design, plus when you remove the lens or go from the twin pack the connections on the bottom of the lens & battery modules are left exposed! A major oversight, highly recommend you get these, only cost a tenner and worth every penny!

    All in all I give this 5 stars, I tried a Ricoh Theta before this and returned it the next day, the battery life was terrible and the image quality whilst OK this seemed better in my opinion, plus the flexibility of the whole Insta 360 system was over whelming in my decision to get this, and I’ve not regretted it, it’s already paid for itself.

    Hope my review was helpful

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