You Can’t Fly In Populated Areas It’s Not What Normal People Do ๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿช

In the video, a person is seen using a drone to film a police station and vehicles in a populated area. When approached by police officers, the person argues that flying the drone in that area is not against the law, and insists on his right to do so. The police officers express suspicion about the person’s intentions and ask for his name, but he refuses to provide it.

The conversation between the person and the police officers is cordial but tense, with both sides trying to assert their positions. The person continues to fly the drone despite the police officers’ objections. The police officers express concerns about public safety and the possibility of the person infringing on privacy rights.

The person justifies his actions by stating that he is exercising his rights and trying to capture footage of police officers and vehicles, which he finds interesting. The police officers express their disapproval but do not arrest or detain the person. The video ends with the person flying the drone again and spotting more police vehicles, indicating that he will continue to use the drone to film in populated areas.

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What Camera Do We Use?

DJI Pocket 2
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GoPro Hero 10 Black
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